Thursday, October 15, 2009

October CTOP Meeting

Sorry for the less than flowing style in this month's post. In the future, I may post each item separately, writing a little more about each.

Code enforcement issued a ticket regarding a dead tree on Braddock Avenue.

As mentioned last month, Daniel Nadeau is heading up a committee to clean up right-of-ways in problem areas. It was stressed that our approach should be more neighborly, making people feel like we're helping them, rather than punitive. A few areas that were mentioned were the sidewalks on the back side of Hartford Circle and low-hanging trees on Parkside Drive.

Councilman King was asked about the Victoria Avenue Sidewalk Project. He told us that the project is scheduled to begin by the end of the year. For more info, click the previous link, or click here for a summary of the public meeting and comments.

Zone officer Cpl. Heather Walker from the North Charleston Police will be replacing S.P.E.E.D. Team Officer Malone at our meetings. Cpl. Walker is assigned the evening shift in the Central Bureau, which includes Park Circle. On nights that she cannot attend meetings, Cpl. Humphries will take her place. There were numerous complaints about speeding. so an officer ran radar, but no one was caught speeding. There were also a few recent auto break-ins in the neighborhood. Please see the police blotter at right for more information.

"Build Day" for the Kaboom playground in Palmetto Gardens Park is Thursday. November 5th from 6am to 2pm. The surrounding communities are encouraged to come out between 2pm and 5pm for the closing ceremonies to show their support for this effort. The Tuesday before is a prep day for the playground. All of the pieces will be unpacked and prepared for assembly. They are looking for volunteers who would be able to provide breakfast or lunch for volunteers on Tuesday. If interested, please contact Ben Leigh at 452-7610.

The CTOP Christmas party will be held Monday, December 14, at 7pm at the Felix C. Davis Community Center in Park Circle. We plan to have the St. Thomas Episcopal Church Choir and possibly raffles or door prizes. Please bring a covered dish and as always, the meat will be provided. Also, annual dues of $15 will be collected.

We need a committee to set up and decorate for the Christmas party. There were only three people doing this last year and it is agreed that there needs to be a few more people.

Last year the civic club provided Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners to needy families in our community. Carolina Youth Development Center gave us recommendations and they will be doing the same this year. At our November meeting, Ben will have information on families that we will be providing holiday dinners for.

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